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ESS QC Class Containers
ESS QC Class Containers (glass vials, glass bottles and jars and HDPE containers) are processed to meet USEPA directives for low level chemical analysis. Representative containers have been tested by independent Certified laboratories for their appropriate use. ESS containers meet and exceed the required detection limits established by the USEPA in “Specifications and Guidance for Contaminant -free Sample Containers” (OSWER Directive # 9240.0-05A). QC Class Certificates of Analysis are available on our home page: www.essvial.com. Enter product number, lot number and select product/certificate type (volatiles, extractables or metals). A sample QC Class C of A is also available on our home page. More specialty containers: 1631, PFAS, Tedlar Bags and Bacti-Bottles certificates are available by request (800 233-8423, essorders@essvial.com) . TOC Containers include a certificate of TOC testing to < 10ppb.